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West Angle Bay

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West Angle Bay

At the mouth of the Milford Haven Estuary, this horseshoe cove is tucked right inside West Angle Bay. The beach is quite narrow at high tide but a low tide, a huge stretch of golden sand is revealed.

About West Angle Bay

At the mouth of the Milford Haven Estuary, this horseshoe cove is tucked right inside West Angle Bay.

The beach is quite narrow at high tide but at low tide, it’s revealed; a huge stretch of golden sand.

The northern end of the beach has rocks perfect for climbing and if you can find it, a cut through the cliffs leads to a secret beach!

The sea off West Angle does have strong currents.

If you’re planning to visit, check out the tide times to make sure you’ve plenty of beach to play on and that you don’t get cut off by the incoming tide!


60 spaces at the top of the beach.



Onshore facilities

Wavecrest Cafe is above the beach offering both dine-in and takeaway service. The Hibernia Inn and The Globe in the village serves meals.

How to find us

West Angle Bay, Angle Pembroke
51.688269151914994, -5.1101240112468815


Concrete zig-zag path (level at turning points): no steeper than 1:15 for 20 metres. Then concrete ramp: 1:6 to 1:51⁄2 for 10 metres.

No wheelchair-accessible toilets.

Available Facilities:
Hearing loop